Relevant Publications
Moose, S.P. and F. E. Below, in press. Biotechnology approaches to improving maize nitrogen
use efficiency, book chapter in Molecular Genetic Approaches to Maize Improvement, A.L. Kriz
and B. A. Larkins (eds.) Springer-Verlag.
Uribelarrea, M., Moose, S.P., and Below, F.E. (2007) Divergent selection for grain protein affects
nitrogen use efficiency in maize hybrids. Field Crops Res. 100: 82-90
Seebauer, J., Moose, S.P., Fabbri, B., Crossland, L. and Below, F.E. (2004) Amino acid
metabolism in young maize earshoots: implications for assimilate movement and nitrogen
signaling. Plant Physiol. 136: 4326-4334
Moose, S.P., Rocheford, T.R. and Dudley, J.W. (2004). Maize selection turns 100: a 21st century
genomics tool. Trends in Plant Science 9: 358-364. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2004.05.005
Uribelarrea, M., Below, F.E. and Moose, S.P. (2004). Grain composition and productivity of maize
hybrids derived from the Illinois Protein Strains in response to variable nitrogen supply. Crop
Science 44: 1593-1600.
Below, F.E., Seebauer, J.R, Uribelerrea, M., Schneerman, M.C. and Moose, S.P. (2004)
Accompanying changes in crop physiology from long-term selection for grain protein in maize.
Plant Breeding Reviews 24(1): 133-151.